Quotation No. 452

I can be hurt by nothing but my thought.
(只有我的思维伤害得了我。) (Workbook-281 heading)

Quotation No. 436

Perhaps it will be helpful to remember that no one can be angry at a fact. It is always an interpretation that gives rise to negative emotions, regardless of their seeming justification by what appears as facts.
(没有人会对一个事实发怒。若能记得这一点,可能会带来很大的助益。负面的情绪,不论是为了什么状似事实的情况而显得多么理直气壮,都是针对某种诠释而发的。)(Manual for teachers-17 4:1)

Quotation No. 424

From insane wishes comes an insane world. From judgment comes a world condemned. And from forgiving thoughts a gentle world comes forth.
(疯狂愚昧的愿望会带来疯狂愚昧的世界,批判的意念就会带来受诅咒的世界,而宽恕之念则会产生一个祥和的世界。)(Workbook-325 1:4)

Quotation No. 423

Everything you see is the result of your thoughts. There is no exception to this fact.
(你所见到的每事每物,都是你的想法所形成的后果。这个事实绝无例外可言。) (Workbook-16 1:2)

Quotation No. 417

The concept of self has always been the great preoccupation of the world. And everyone believes that he must find the answer to the riddle of himself. Salvation can be seen as nothing more than the escape from concepts.
(自我概念一向是世俗最关切的事。每个人都相信他必须找出自己的谜底。救恩可以视为摆脱自我概念的境界。)(Text-31 V.14:1)

Quotation No. 398

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.
(你可能会认为,你只须对自己的言行负责,而不必对你的想法负责。事实上,你只能为你的想法负责,因为只有在这一层次上你才有选择的余地。)  (Text-II IV.2:5)

Quotation No. 397

Perception is a mirror, not a fact. And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward.
(知见只是一面镜子,而非一个事实。我所看到的景象,只是自己的心境投射于外。) (Workbook-304 1:3)

Quotation No. 396

Nothing but your own thoughts can hamper your progress.
(只有你自己的想法才阻挡得了你的进步。) (Workbook-70 10:1)

Quotation No. 395

The recognition that you do not understand is a prerequisite for undoing your false ideas.
(体会到自己并不了解,是化解你的错误观念的必备条件。) (Workbook-9 1:4)

Quotation No. 394

Whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you. It is your acceptance of it that makes it real. If you enthrone the ego in your mind, your allowing it to enter makes it your reality.
(凡是你的心灵所接受的,对你就成了实相。是你的接受使它变得真实。如果你让小我在心中称王,等于大开方便之门,让它成为你的实相。)(Text-5 V.4:1)

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