Quotation No. 401

You look for safety and security, while in your heart you pray for danger and protection for the little dream you made.
(你虽寻求安全保障,心中却暗暗地祈求危险,只想保全自己所营造的那个小小的梦境。) (Workbook-13 12:7)

Quotation No. 400

Reality brings only perfect peace. When I am upset, it is always because I have replaced reality with illusions I made up. The illusions are upsetting because I have given them reality, and thus regard reality as an illusion.
(实相只可能带来深湛的平安。当我烦恼时,常是因为我以自制的幻觉取代了实相。幻觉带来烦恼,因为我赋予了它们真实性,反而把实相视为幻觉。)(Workbook-52 1:4)

Quotation No. 399

In dreams effect and cause are interchanged, for here the maker of the dream believes that what he made is happening to him. He does not realize he picked a thread from here, a scrap from there, and wove a picture out of nothing.
(在梦境里,因与果整个颠倒过来了。做梦的人相信他所营造之境都是莫名其妙地掉在他头上的。他毫不明白,那是他自己东拉西扯一根线,西扯一块布,无中生有地编织出来的一幅图像。) (Text-24 V.2:2)

Quotation No. 398

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.
(你可能会认为,你只须对自己的言行负责,而不必对你的想法负责。事实上,你只能为你的想法负责,因为只有在这一层次上你才有选择的余地。)  (Text-II IV.2:5)

Quotation No. 397

Perception is a mirror, not a fact. And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward.
(知见只是一面镜子,而非一个事实。我所看到的景象,只是自己的心境投射于外。) (Workbook-304 1:3)

Quotation No. 396

Nothing but your own thoughts can hamper your progress.
(只有你自己的想法才阻挡得了你的进步。) (Workbook-70 10:1)

Quotation No. 395

The recognition that you do not understand is a prerequisite for undoing your false ideas.
(体会到自己并不了解,是化解你的错误观念的必备条件。) (Workbook-9 1:4)

Quotation No. 394

Whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you. It is your acceptance of it that makes it real. If you enthrone the ego in your mind, your allowing it to enter makes it your reality.
(凡是你的心灵所接受的,对你就成了实相。是你的接受使它变得真实。如果你让小我在心中称王,等于大开方便之门,让它成为你的实相。)(Text-5 V.4:1)

Quotation No. 393

Truth is restored to you through your desire, as it was lost to you through your desire for something else.
(真理会和应你的渴求而重归于你,一如你以前因渴望他物而失落了它,是同出一辙的。) (Text-20 VIII.1:2)

Quotation No. 392

Truth lies only in the present, and you will find it if you seek it there. You have looked for it where it is not, and therefore have not found it. Learn, then, to seek it where it is, and it will dawn on eyes that see.
(真理只存于现在,只要你往当下去找,必会找到。你一向都往它所不在之处寻找,难怪遍寻不获。那么,学习往它所在之处去找,它就会出现在你眼前。) (Text-13 VI.5:4)

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